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Sanco Schoolwear
60, Bell Road

Tel: 020 8570 9990
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Media & Events

TV & Film

We often provide school uniform and PE kit for use in television, films, plays and adverts.

For example, we have supplied garments used at Twickenham Studios, in the Frank Skinner show and, most recently, for the Comic Relief Walkers Crisps advert featuring Stephen Fry and Girls Aloud.



Metropolitan Police

We have regularly assisted the Police in producing a picture database of school uniforms in the Borough. The purpose of the database is to help the Police identify offenders and to put others off from committing crime, so as to make the Borough's streets safer for all residents.



Charitable Events

In 2013 we did the  "Race For Life London - Richmond"  we raised over £1000.00 for charity.

This Year (2014) we did the "Fuller's London Pride 10K Race.